Tuesday, September 16, 2008


My little sister has come down to sleep next to me, and nothing makes me happier at this moment!

teenagers, teenagers--beware there is complaining ahead

I am in Hilton Head until Sunday and am ready to have my aunt here! Between toting around 4 kids ages 10-15 who go to school at different times, get picked up from different sports at different times, are always hungry, and who CONSTANTLY fight I feel like I may be at my wit's end! To top it off I am not feeling so hot and am not sleeping through the night, normally this would be fine, but having to wake up and function at 6:40 in the morning is not helping.

6:40- wake up make sure children are almost ready to be out the door, find out what they would like for breakfast and fix it
6:55- round up everyone
7:00- begin trip to schools
7:15- drop off sister at middle school
7:20- drop off cousins at high school
7:30- drive home
7:50- awaken other cousin, fix her breakfast
8:00- make sure she has brushed teeth, hair, is dressed, make sure lunch is packed, papers signed
8:10- out the door and off to drop off the trash
8:25- drop off at school
8:50- return home relax until 3:00
3:10- pick up cousins, drop off at house
3:45- off to pick up sister at cheerleading
4:25- drop off at home- give a snack, keep from fighting, clean
5:45- start to make dinner
6:00- pick up cousin from football
6:45- home, heat up meal, or finish off making meal
7:30- clean up
8:00-on homework and stopping fights..... how do moms with teenagers do it??????????????? No wonder so many are stay at home moms, you need a break! I think you deserve a medal, this is more exhausting than my job and I work till 9 at night supervising 12 people!
 I am sorry to complain, but I have no grown ups to talk to, since all my beloveds have moved away from here and there is hardly any cell phone reception in this house. Also add to that a 10 year constantly whining or arguing with you it makes things tough. I really miss Adam, Im exhausted, and I want alone time with no time limits or interruptions because I have to pick someone up or meet someone, or babysit. Tomorrow there will hopefully be an Erin Riley sleepover and some girl talk, which I so desperately need, and then beach time sans children! I admire my aunt even more than I did before after seeing what she has to do!

In other news I purchased the book Wicked, I LOVE the Wizard of Oz, and when I found out this book was about the witches I had to have it... its a little slow in the beginning, but now I am longing for pool time tomorrow for sun and more reading! I only wish I could go see the play in New York!

An update for miss Christen: no finding of the nightstands and believe me I check sista!
Stay tuned for some really fun information in the next coming weeks though:)