Saturday, March 6, 2010

So my new years resolution was to lose weight... since Christmas I have lost 16 pounds, but in the past couple of weeks my weight loss has been on a stand still, I haven't gained any but I haven't lost any and I have been having major body image issues!!! My friend Lindsay and I have been going to the gym and going to classes 4 times a week most weeks, 2 of these are at 5:45 a.m. on the weekdays... we do body pump and cycling and the classes are totally intense! I have been feeling like I am getting much stronger and I generally feel better, but I just wish the scale would show all the hard work I have been doing. I was in body pump class on Thursday morning and I looked around felt like I was the biggest girl in there... it was even worse that I basically had to stare at myself in the mirror the whole time, I usually watch the instructor but she was like a competitive cheerleader on crack and kept making crazy faces while singing the songs and it made me uncomfortable. Also, am I the only one out there that when the teacher says something about form that they think he/she is talking directly to them???

I have heard great things about body step, sotwo weekend ago we attempted it and at one point just stopped and started laughing hysterically, that class has to be the hardest class I have ever been too... they were jumping in the air off the step things, and like doing tap dance and salsa moves, yelling about how they were hot... it was a bit insane, but now we have a goal to be pros at it and wear shiny leotards and leggings and bust out some body step moves!

This morning I got sick of it...I was determined to not be this size anymore, to have all the baby weight gone and I decided I was going to be a crazy workout fiend and I was going to eat so much better, I even went and did the elliptical after 55 minutes of body pump... I also considered going to body vive, which looks like crazy aerobics.. lots of side shuffles and hip moves I feel like I would never be able to do, but the very fact that I considered it, told me that my commitment was coming back... then I got home and had 2 packs of 100 calorie grasshoppers and realized hmmm could this be why my weight has plateaued? I have since put down the grasshoppers and gave myself a break, after all on Friday I went through the drive through and just got myself a diet coke and resisted the urge for some delicious french fries, my weakness, the most delicious thing ever known to man. I will lose 15 more pounds, I will!!!!!

For now I will get through the week and try to be so down on myself.. I will be good all week long and I will go to the gym at least 4 times, that way this weekend when I go to visit one of my very best friends, Christen I wont feel so bad... after all we are going to be making some delicious pioneer woman recipes and perhaps I will burn some calories after I go on a marathon of kissing this gorgeous baby's cheeks, I mean wouldnt you want to too???

For now, I will embrace these last few pounds, and appreciate that the reason I have them is because I brought this beautiful little angel in the world... doesnt he remind you of teddy rupskin here????