Sunday, October 12, 2008

Cleanliness is next to Godliness

Tonight I felt good for the first time in a while, Im starting to think it has something to do with Adam not being here to baby me... so I cleaned the living room, really, REALLY cleaned the living room, you would be very impressed! I cleaned the kitchen, mopped the floors, cometed (which is now a word) the bathroom, dont worry I covered my nose as to not breathe in the fumes. Best of all I even made it out to Target where I purchased new white egyptian cotton sheets... they don't just sound fancy they are, they are 400 thread count and feel like a dream! I also bought two new king sized pillows to put my new, beautiful Anthropologie pillow cases on, to go with my new, beautiful Anthropologie quilt, and as you can see my bed looks Heavenly in my opinion! Now I am finally relaxing on the couch, I think I may have overdone it. Unfortunately with not doing laundry for a couple of weeks comes tons and tons of laundry, I vow to not let this happen again! Adam is at a wedding and if I would have known I would feel this good I would have gone with him... I watched a food network show on fast food while folding laundry and now really want wendy's. I'm so glad to have something sound good besides soft pretzels, (yes little Jolie or Owen loves soft pretzels) popsicles, or watermelon. 

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