Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Today I went to my 18 week checkup, my sweet Owen is a mover, and scared me very much. My doctor tried to check the heartbeat and though I couldn't tell it was the heartbeat apparently she said she would hear it and then it would move, finally after about 5 times he was still and we heard his beautiful heartbeat, PRAISE THE LORD! I was very nervous, especially after being in the hospital and being on so much medication. I also have lost another half a pound, so far in this pregnancy I have lost 10 and a half pounds! I am very thankful, but it did worry me a bit, but my doctor didn't seem concerned and I do have a growing belly, so I don't really understand. In 3 weeks I will get to see my sweet baby boy again on another ultrasound, I can't wait! I am feeling him move more and more everyday, as I sit here typing he is moving a lot, oh I cant wait till the day that I will be sitting in this very spot, holding him! 

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