Wednesday, July 22, 2009

My 3 month old!

Dear Owen, 
Today you are 3 months old! I feel like it was just yesterday that I was holding you for the first time! You grow and change everyday, just last week you could barely hold your head up, now that is a piece of cake. You smile all the time and we heard your first laugh last week, have I told you that it was the sweetest sound I have ever heard? You are such an easy going baby, you only cry now when you are very tired or hungry, you mainly just smile and coo at me all day, you bring such joy to my heart. You are still an awesome sleeper, you sleep between 5 and 6 hours at a time, wake up to eat and then go right back to sleep for another 2 hours, wake up to eat and then sleep for another 2-3 hours again, you are so kind to understand the value of sleep. You went on your 2nd vacation to Hilton Head and got to meet your Aunt Terri and your cousins, I think that you enjoyed yourself, you also took your first plane ride and you were the best baby ever, you didnt cry once! The flight attendant and many of the passengers thought you were so cute and well behaved, even the grouchy old business men complimented you! You still love your mommy the most but you are coming around to your daddy, you think he is pretty funny, especially when he dances for you. You discovered your hands this week and I watched you move your blanket up and down in front of your face because you realized you could move things with them, I like to think you were playing peekaboo with yourself in the backseat, because you are that smart! You are starting to like your car seat a lot more, we go for outings and you fall asleep or just sit and coo in your seat. Soon I will be going back to work, but I will miss you more than you know, I think it will be harder on me than it is on you, I wish more than anything in the whole world I could figure out a way to stay home with you, I hope you know that. I love you more than words can say, you are the light of my life. I thank God all the time that he has chosen me to be your mommy, I feel so lucky, your Dad and I often comment that there was never a baby who was so loved. Happy 3 month birthday Owen Benjamin, I cant wait to see what you will be doing next month!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

formula=the devil

In 2 weeks I will unfortunately be returning to work, and with that Owen will be going to a babysitter all day. I have been lazy about pumping enough milk, and my doctor told me I would need to supplement as well to keep up with the chunky little guy. We have tried formula in the past and he sucked it down, the only problem was he broke out in a rash and threw up the whole bottle. So my doctor told me to try enfamil gentleease, I have had it for a week and a half now, being that I didnt want to ruin the nice upholstery on he couches at the beach house I thought today would be a fine day to try it again. I put a blanket down on the couch, I had a bib and a burp cloth ready in case we should re live the great formula debacle of 6 weeks, I made the bottle nice and warm, and as soon as that formula touched his lips he spit it out, and screamed and screamed... and I got frustrated for the first time in 3 months. And that frustraton turned into crying... frustration being frustration with myself, why had I waited this long to try this? I should have listened to everyone when they told me I need to get him used to it, but I thought I knew better... and then the crying came when I thought of him at his first day of day care screaming his head off because I did not introduce the formula as much as I should have. I have had to give him a bottle of formula because of cluster feeding issues and he took it just fine, why is it that all of a sudden he has no interest? As we speak I am sitting in my room, I just got done folding a load of clothes and Im trying not to peak out at Adam feeding Owen to see how its going, Im praying that since I havent heard a peep in 10 minutes that he is taking the bottle... I have mixed it with some breast milk to see if that would make the difference, any advice from any moms out there????

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Owen is 10 weeks old!!!!

Dear Owen,
Today you are 10 weeks old, do you know that this is your Grandma's birthday as well? She would have been 46 years old today, I know she is watching over you. You get more and more precious with each day, and I can't imagine what life would be like without you here! You had your shots two days ago and although the doctor told me that you might be cranky and sleepy, you were so happy and wide awake, in fact you only took a few cat naps and then were awake until 2 a.m. but you were so happy, how could we fault you for wanting to spend time with us? You weigh 12 pounds, 8 ounces and are 22 and a half inches, you are so beautiful, you charm everyone whenever we take you places! You can roll onto your side, and you push your legs, I think anyday now you are going to be rolling around... you are so strong, when we put you on your belly you lift up your belly by pushing up with your legs, you crack me up. Your bedtime is still really late at night, you dont like to go to sleep until at least 12 or 1, but I think God designed it this way because he knows soon I will be going back to work and wont get home until 9:30, he knows how much I will want to spend time with you. You are sleeping between 5 and 6 hours at a time at night now and after you eat, you go right back to sleep for another couple hours. You smile and talk all the time now, and you LOVE to look at yourself in the mirror! Sweet baby, you are so loved, and I am so thankful for every day that you are here, happy 10 week old birthday!!!!!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Owen's room

Have I told you about Owen's room??? I havent because it isnt ready yet, but soon it will be! You're probably thinking why didnt you have you had your nursery ready before the baby was born, wellll feast your eyes on the lovliness pictured above!!! Ever since I saw Tori Spellings nursery in us weekly a couple years ago I have been in love with this crib set, but being that I am a middle class 26 year old these types of things have always been out of my reach for me to purchase... Well I am one blessed girl! My aunt's best friend happens to have this crib and changing table and since I have such a wonderful aunt in exchange for babysitting for a week she bought these items from her friend for me, (I know I have the best aunt ever!) Don't worry, everything for his room is purchased and ready for him once the crib gets here... my aunts and great grandmother got me the most beautiful dwellstudio rocker, and thanks to my baby shower and family his bedding, (which is brown and white polka dots and stripes from dwellstudio as well) has been purchased, and we have the giant expedit white shelving unit in there with the cutest brown and lime green boxes with his little precious necessities tucked away... I can't wait to get everything in there and have his room all ready, believe me lots of pictures will be taken!!!