Thursday, May 7, 2009

My sweet baby is a week old today and lying in my arms as I type this one handed... he is the most amazing baby on earth!!!! so far I know he:

*does not like his arms to be swaddled in, he wants them free so he can keep them by his face, don't think about trying to do it, he will yell at you and it is so cute!
*he looked like me when he was born, now I think he looks exactly like Adam, just with my nose
*has the cutest dimples on earth!
*likes to pee when I change him, we go through about 3 changes of clothes a day since despite I am a master diaper changer he does it right when I have to put the vaseline on his circumcision
*when he gets upset if I kiss his cheeks he automatically calms down
*he also likes when daddy beatboxes for him, the one thing that grosses me out, my son loves, we discovered this when we were at the pediatrician and had to undress him
*oh yes, he HATES being undressed 
*he loves the song happy together by the turtles, I attribute this to the fact that I had the song stuck in my head everyday and would sing it through out the day as well and played it in the car many, many times
*he has the longest fingers and arms, this makes it difficult to have to contain those long fingers in gowns, I feel like Im binding him!

Giving birth was not a pleasant experience, but it was truly amazing!!! When he came out and they put him on my chest, it was the most wonderful, amazing, fantastic feeling on earth!!! My doctors all told me I did fantastic for giving birth for the first time. We went in at 5:45, hey hooked me up to pitocin at about 7:30, since I was already 5 cm dilated, laboring through to a 7/8 with no epidural was very painful, I was crying through a few of the contractions, but other than that everyone tells me I was very calm, I dont remember much. Even after they gave me my epidural, 2 hours later it had worn off quite a bit when it was time to push, which my nurse kept telling me that I was too ladylike and that I needed to be meaner. After an hour and 15 minutes of pushing at 2:15 my sweet Owen Benjamin was born into the world! He is so tiny, when we left the hospital he was only 6 lbs, 3 and a half ounces, when we went to the pediatrician he had stayed at that weight, but I can see in his cheeks that since my milk came in he is chunking up a bit. 

I have my family in town, and they love to hold him, I miss him every second he's away from me. I love him so much its unbelievable! Since my dad is holding him Im going to go take a shower and eat some raisin bran before owen needs to eat again

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