Saturday, August 1, 2009

It's back to work for me on Monday, I am not looking forward to it AT ALL!!!! I have had the most wonderful 3 months with my precious boy!!!! Along with going back to work comes quite a few decisions, the biggest one 0f course is who will be watching Owen... luckily I have a woman who is running day care out of her house and is kind and sweet and loooooves babies, I know he will be very well taken care of, but just the thought of dropping him off makes me want to throw up!!! the next is do I continue breast feeding? For selfish reasons I want to stop, but for Owen's I know its best to keep going, so Im going to try to keep going until he is 4 months and see how it goes. The second decision is diapering... I have not had to buy diapers since Owen was born, but since my chunkamonk is now in size 2's I had to go out and buy more diapers... 30 bucks later for wipes and diapers and upon feeling the Pampers baby dry, I decided that maybe I should consider something else, if u would not want something that rough on my skin, why would i want to put it on my baby? So I tried a cloth diaper and I loved it, my dad ordered me 6 more so I figure after he is out of his disposables we have left we will give it a whirl, plus theyre so cute!

One good thing I did receive is my "going back to work gift" !!!!! This Quinny buzz from my husband, we needed a second car seat so he also got me the maxi cosi car seat that goes with it... for any new moms I highly recomend this after watching the reviews... we have a chicco travel system, but its so bulky and takes up my whole trunk! This also opens itself up with just a press of a button!


Adam and I have a 2 year plan, we plan to pay off all our bills and buy a house in 2011, and maybe even make it so I can work less hours someday! For now I will cherish my last couple days as a stay at home mom this to this amazing baby boy!


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