Sunday, November 2, 2008

It has been a long couple of weeks, my morning sickness had gotten worse than ever and I wasn't able to hold hardly anything down, finally at my 13 week appointment and after a 10 lb. total weight loss my doctor put me on the miracle of all miracle nausea drugs Zofran. I also got to hear our precious little bean's heartbeat... it kept moving, so she kept having to move around to find it, but then it sat still for a couple minutes to hear it was a good, strong heartbeat. In 2 weeks and 3 days we will find out whether it is a boy or a girl, I'm so excited, but mostly excited to get to see what it's doing in there all day... I'm hoping by then I will be able to feel it move! For now, I am off to clean, since today is the first day in 7 weeks that I have not felt like vomiting all day! And I really want velveeta shells and cheese!

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